March 6, 2016

We’re proud to present our Jubilee Floor for 2016Vista by Kährs Småland Collection. Vista is a rustic, handscraped product containing large knots. Misty white in colour with balanced contrast and transparency.

Vista is the ideal 1-strip white-washed oak wood floor with maximal wood feeling- a reflection of traditional Swedish craftsmanship quality. The oiled surface gives a beautiful lustre to the floor, as well as a wonderful scent of wood and nature.

Combine Vista with other earthy tones, such as browns, beigesgreys and whites. These colours create a warm, harmonious feeling of comfort and stability; perfect for a home. A nice accent colour to add is a muted yellow– the colour of joy and energy. Alternatively, gold adds a nice little pop of glam to interiors. Keep the gold minimal and in small doses to keep from overpowering the nature feel of your space.


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